Step-by-Step Potty Training for Dachshund Puppies: A Comprehensive Guide

basic potty training for dachshunds

When it comes to potty training, Dachshund puppies need specific guidance and techniques. It’s an essential milestone in the life of any dog owner. These adorable little creatures require patience and consistency to master the art of using the designated potty area. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the step-by-step process of potty training specifically tailored for Dachshund puppies. We will explore age-appropriate expectations, the importance of establishing a consistent routine and selecting the right potty training method that suits your Dachshund’s unique personality and needs.

By following the techniques and tips outlined in this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the potty training journey successfully. Whether you’re a first-time Dachshund owner or seeking to refine your training approach, this guide will provide valuable insights and strategies to ensure a seamless and effective potty training experience.

So, let’s team up and get your Dachshund pup potty trained! We’ll work together and figure out how to make your pup a well-behaved and happy little buddy for life. Ready to start this adventure?

how to potty train your dachshund

Preparing for Potty Training Your Dachshund

Before you begin, it’s important to make some necessary preparations to create an environment that will support successful training. This involves setting up a specific area for potty training and getting the right equipment. Here are the essential steps to follow in order to prepare for potty training:

Setting up a designated potty area: 

Choose a specific spot in your home or yard where you want your Dachshund puppy to eliminate. This designated potty area should be easily accessible and consistently used throughout the training process. Ensure it’s an area that can be easily cleaned and maintained.

Selecting the right type of potty training equipment:

Depending on your preference and training method, you’ll need to decide on the appropriate potty training equipment. Some common options include:

  • Puppy pads or paper: If you opt for indoor training, consider using puppy pads or newspaper placed in the designated potty area. You can buy reusable puppy pads or disposable pads – whichever is more convenient for you. These absorbent surfaces help contain any mess and can be gradually moved closer to the door to transition your Dachshund to outdoor potty habits.
  • Dog litter box: Similar to cat litter boxes, dog litter boxes offer a designated space for your Dachshund to eliminate indoors. These boxes often contain artificial grass or specialized litter that mimics outdoor surfaces.
  • Outdoor potty area: If you prefer outdoor training, ensure your yard has a fenced-off area or a specific spot where your Dachshund can go potty. Consider using a dog-friendly potty patch or gravel area for easy cleanup.

Puppy-proofing the house: 

When potty training dachshund puppies, it’s important to be aware of their curious and energetic nature. Accidents may occur during the process. One way to prevent this is by puppy-proofing your home. This involves removing any tempting items that may encourage your puppy to urinate on them. Also, consider using a dog gate to block off areas of your home where you don’t want your puppy to go to make cleanup easier.

By preparing for potty training in advance, you create an environment that promotes successful training sessions. The next section will guide you through the step-by-step potty training process, starting with introducing the concept of potty training to your Dachshund puppy.

when start dachshund training

How do I potty train my Dachshund puppy? Step-by-Step Potty Training Process

Introducing the Concept of Potty Training

Introducing the concept of potty training to your Dachshund puppy is the first step in the training process. This stage focuses on familiarizing your puppy with the idea of where and when to eliminate. Here are some key considerations for this crucial phase:

Positive reinforcement techniques

Positive reinforcement is key. Potty training is all about positive reinforcement. Whenever your Dachshund puppy does their business in the right spot, be quick to shower them with praise, treats, or their favorite toy. This positive reinforcement creates a positive association and encourages them to repeat the desired behavior.

Consistency and patience

Consistency is crucial when starting potty training. Take your puppy to their designated potty area frequently, especially after meals, naps, playtime, and waking up in the morning. Remember, accidents will happen, so it’s important to be patient. Avoid scolding or punishing your puppy for accidents, as this can create fear and hinder their progress.

how to toilet train my dachshund puppy

Verbal cues and commands

Introduce specific verbal cues or commands to help your Dachshund puppy associate them with going potty. Use simple and consistent phrases like “go potty” or “do your business” every time you take them to the designated area. With time, your puppy will learn to recognize and connect these cues with the desired behavior.

Supervision and confinement

Keep a close eye on your Dachshund puppy during the early stages of potty training. Watch for signs such as sniffing or circling, indicating that they need to go. If you can’t supervise them actively, confine them to a crate or a puppy-proofed area to prevent accidents.

Establish a routine

Setting up a routine is crucial for successful potty training. Take your Dachshund puppy to their designated potty area at regular intervals throughout the day. This consistent routine helps them develop a sense of predictability and reinforces where and when they should eliminate.

By introducing the concept of potty training with positive reinforcement, consistency, and patience, you lay the foundation for a successful training journey. The next section will explore the importance of establishing a regular feeding schedule and its impact on potty training.

feeding schedule for dog

Establishing a regular feeding schedule

Establishing a regular feeding schedule is an important aspect of potty training your Dachshund puppy. The timing of meals can greatly impact their toilet habits and help in the training process. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Consistent meal times: Set specific times for your Dachshund puppy’s meals and stick to them as much as possible. Regular feeding times create a predictable schedule for their digestive system, making it easier to anticipate when they will need to go potty.
  • Observe their potty habits: Pay close attention to your puppy’s potty habits after meals. Typically, they will need to eliminate within 15-30 minutes after eating. Take advantage of this window by taking them to the designated potty area during that time.
  • Use mealtime as a potty training opportunity: After feeding your Dachshund puppy, take them directly to the designated potty area. Encourage them to eliminate by using their verbal cues or commands. This helps reinforce the connection between eating and the need to go potty.
  • Control access to water: While it’s important to keep your puppy hydrated, controlling access to water can help regulate their potty needs. Offer water at specific times during the day and monitor their intake. Avoid leaving water out all the time, as this can result in more frequent potty breaks and make the training process more challenging.
  • Be prepared for more frequent potty breaks: Remember that puppies have smaller bladders and shorter control over their bodily functions. Be prepared for more frequent bathroom breaks, especially during the early stages of potty training. As your puppy grows and develops better bladder control, the frequency of potty breaks will decrease.

Establishing a regular feeding schedule not only helps regulate your Dachshund puppy’s potty habits but also aids in overall routine and training consistency. In the next section, we’ll dive into the importance of consistent bathroom breaks and how to identify signs that your puppy needs to go potty.

potty training techniques for dachshunds

Consistent Bathroom Breaks

Consistency in providing regular bathroom breaks is a key aspect of potty training your Dachshund puppy. By taking them to the designated potty area at appropriate intervals, you can establish good habits and reinforce the desired behavior. Here’s what you need to consider:

  • Frequency based on age and bladder capacity: Younger Dachshund puppies have smaller bladders and will need more frequent potty breaks compared to older ones. As a general guideline, puppies should be taken to the designated potty area every 1-2 hours. Adjust the frequency based on your puppy’s age, bladder capacity, and individual needs.
  • Timing bathroom breaks: Besides the regular schedule, you should also take your Dachshund puppy to the potty area after specific events, such as waking up from a nap, intense play sessions, or extended periods of confinement. These activities can trigger the need to eliminate, so it’s important to be proactive and provide opportunities for them to go potty.
  • Signs that indicate your puppy needs to go potty: Observing your puppy’s behavior can help you anticipate when they need to eliminate. Some common signs include restlessness, sniffing the ground, circling, or suddenly stopping activities. If you notice any of these signs, it’s a good indication that your puppy needs to go potty, and you should take them to the designated area immediately.

Reinforcing Your Puppy’s Desired Toilet Behavior

If you want to potty train your Dachshund pup like a pro, you gotta give them some positive reinforcement. It’s a great way to motivate and encourage them to do their business in the right spot. Here are some tips to help you reinforce their good behavior:

  • Rewards and treats: When your Dachshund puppy successfully eliminates in the designated potty area, immediately reward them with praise, petting, and dog treats. Positive reinforcement creates a positive association and encourages them to repeat the behavior in the future. Use small, easily consumable treats that your puppy finds highly enticing.
  • Verbal praise: In addition to treats, use verbal praise and an enthusiastic tone of voice to let your puppy know they’ve done well. Positive verbal reinforcement helps strengthen the connection between the action of going potty and the praise received, making the training experience more enjoyable for your puppy.
  • Timing is key: It’s important to deliver the rewards and praise immediately after your Dachshund puppy finishes eliminating in the right spot. This helps them make a clear association between the behavior and the reward. Delayed reinforcement may confuse your puppy and make it harder for them to understand what they are being rewarded for.
how to train your dachshund to go potty

Dealing with Setbacks and Accidents When Toilet Training Your Puppy

Accidents are a normal part of the potty training process, and it’s crucial to handle them calmly and positively. Here’s how to address setbacks and accidents effectively:

  • Stay calm and avoid punishment: Accidents happen, and it’s important to stay calm and avoid scolding or punishing your Dachshund puppy. Harsh reactions can create fear and anxiety, making the training process more challenging. Instead, focus on redirecting your puppy to the designated potty area and rewarding them for eliminating in the right spot.
  • Clean accidents thoroughly: Accidents should be cleaned up promptly and thoroughly using appropriate pet-friendly cleaners. Eliminate any traces of odor to prevent your puppy from associating that spot with a potty area. Use enzymatic cleaners specifically designed to eliminate urine or fecal odors.
  • Review and adjust the training approach: If accidents become frequent or you’re facing challenges, it may be necessary to review your training approach. Assess if there are any inconsistencies in the routine or if adjustments need to be made. Stay patient, reassess the situation, and make any necessary changes to improve the training process.

If you’re trying to potty train your Dachshund pup, you need to be consistent with giving them bathroom breaks, rewarding good behavior, and dealing with setbacks. Don’t worry, with some tips for successful potty training you can make sure it’s a smooth process.

In the next section, we’ll troubleshoot common challenges that may arise during the potty training journey.

potty training anxiety with dogs

Troubleshooting Common Challenges of Dachshund Puppy Toilet Training

Potty training your Dachshund puppy can be a bit of a challenge, but with some patience and a positive attitude, you can definitely overcome it. Below are some common obstacles you may face while training your pup and some tips on how to tackle them effectively:

Dachshund stubbornness

Dachshunds are often known for being independent and stubborn, which can make potty training difficult. However, it’s important to stay patient and consistent with your training methods. Use positive reinforcement, rewards, and consistent verbal cues to encourage your puppy. Keeping a positive and encouraging attitude can go a long way in motivating your Dachshund during the training process.

Fear or anxiety-related issues

Some puppies may develop fear or anxiety around the potty training process. It could be due to past negative experiences or a general aversion to certain surfaces. Take a gentle and gradual approach to help them overcome their fears. Use extra praise, treats, and reassurance during potty time to create a positive and comfortable environment for your puppy.

Reinforcing good habits outside the designated area

your Dachshund puppy might need a gentle reminder about their designated potty area. Remember, it’s important to reinforce positive habits and redirect them if they start going potty in other parts of the house. Keep an eye out for accidents and calmly guide them back to the right spot.

Consistency with different family members

If multiple family members are involved in the potty training process, it’s crucial to maintain consistency in training methods and expectations. Ensure everyone uses the same verbal cues and rewards and follows the established routine. Consistency helps your Dachshund puppy understand what is expected of them and avoids confusion.

Seeking professional help

If you find yourself struggling with persistent challenges or if your Dachshund puppy is not progressing as expected, don’t hesitate to seek professional help from a dog trainer or behaviorist. They can provide personalized guidance, identify any underlying issues, and offer specific techniques to overcome training obstacles.

Remember, toilet training is a journey, and setbacks may happen along the way. Stay positive, maintain a joyful yet professional attitude, and celebrate every small achievement with your Dachshund puppy. By being patient, consistent, and understanding, you’ll build a strong bond with your furry friend and help them develop lifelong good potty habits.

potty training for dachshund puppies


We hope this guide will help you teach your furry friend good potty habits.

Potty training is important for a clean living environment and to establish good habits. Learn the basics, set up a designated potty area, and follow a step-by-step process. Be patient, consistent, and use positive reinforcement. Celebrate milestones and seek help if needed. Remember, each pup is unique and progresses at its own pace. Reach out to other Dachshund owners for support. Enjoy the process and bond with your pup. Good luck with your potty training adventure!


Why is my Dachshund puppy peeing everywhere?

If your Dachshund puppy is peeing everywhere, it may be due to lack of potty training, insufficient supervision, small bladder capacity, excitement or anxiety, or medical issues. Consistent potty training, close supervision, and a calm environment can help mitigate the problem. Consult a veterinarian if problems persist.

How often should I take my Dachshund puppy out to pee?

To determine how often your Dachshund puppy needs to pee, consider their age, bladder capacity, and activity level. Younger puppies may need to eliminate every 1-2 hours, however, older puppies can gradually increase the time between bathroom breaks. Establish a routine, watch for signs of needing to go, and offer a break after play or high-energy activities. Pay attention to your puppy’s individual needs to develop good potty habits.

Should I wake my puppy up to pee at night?

The decision on whether or not to wake your puppy to pee at night depends on your pup’s individual needs. It is important to take young puppies outside every few hours at night to prevent accidents. However, as they grow older, they can sleep through the night without needing bathroom breaks at around 12-16 weeks. If your puppy is still in the early stages of potty training, it is best to continue with nighttime wake-ups to avoid setbacks. Once your puppy consistently shows progress, you can gradually phase out the wake-ups. It is important to balance their comfort and training, and eventually, your puppy will be able to sleep through the night without wake-ups.

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