Dachshund Grooming Guide: How to Groom a Dachshund At Home Like a Pro

Dachshund grooming guide

Do I have to trim my Dachshund regularly? How often should I brush and bathe my pet? How do I take care of my Dachshund? Similar questions often arise in the minds of new Dachshund owners.
Despite their small size, Dachshunds have specific needs and require some attention to maintain their health and appearance. Just like us humans, they require some grooming to look and feel their best.

Why is dog grooming so important?

Regular grooming for a Dachshund is essential. It helps maintain their coat shiny and healthy, prevents matting and infections, and keeps their ears and nails in excellent condition. Plus, who doesn’t love cuddling with a clean and freshly groomed dog?

If your Dachshund has short hair, quick brushing every few days should be sufficient. But if they have long hair, they may require a bit more attention to prevent tangles.

What about those adorable floppy ears? Dachshunds are prone to ear infections, so regular ear cleaning is a necessity. And what about their nails? They grow quickly, so regular trimming is important to prevent them from becoming too long and causing discomfort while running.

As you can see, grooming is not only important but also necessary. It is an integral part of taking care of your Dachshund to ensure they look and feel their best while staying healthy.

Many of these tasks can be performed at home before considering expensive professional grooming services. We can provide you with guidance on what to do and which tools to use so that your Dachshund feels like they’re in a real spa during grooming sessions at home!

One of the ways of grooming a dachshund

Keep reading to discover the best way to groom your Dachshund’s unique coat type and whether you should give it a go yourself or leave it to the pros at a dog grooming salon.

How Do I Groom My Dachshund?

Are you ready to create a Spa for your four-legged friend at home?
To take care of your Dachshund, you need to regularly brush and comb its coat several times a week to keep it shiny and free from tangles (it is recommended to use a special comb and a brush with natural bristles). Don’t forget about thorough ear cleaning, teeth brushing, and nail trimming as well.

How much grooming does your Dachshund need? That depends on the type of coat they have.

Grooming Long-Haired Dachshunds

As mentioned before, long-haired Dachshunds require more grooming care.

Their coat is long, straight, or slightly wavy, with an undercoat. The hair is longest on the chest, underside of the body, and tail.

Long-haired Dachshunds should be brushed at least 2-3 times a week. Regular brushing helps prevent matting and tangling of the fur, cleans the undercoat, removes dead skin cells and dirt, stimulates circulation in the skin, and improves ventilation. It’s no wonder that it is one of the most important grooming practices! Additionally, regular visits to a groomer every few months are recommended to trim and shape the fur.

Here are some specific tips for brushing long-haired Dachshunds:

  • Use a bristle-nylon brush as well as a slicker brush and a poodle comb with smooth-ended pins.
  • Start by gently brushing the entire coat of the dog using the bristle brush, working in small sections from the head to the tail.
  • Pay special attention to areas prone to tangling and matting, such as behind the ears, under the legs, and around the tail. Use the comb to gently untangle any knots or mats you find. If you encounter stubborn mats, try to gently comb them out by holding the hair close to the skin. Mats that cannot be easily combed out may need to be cut (as a last resort). Carefully use scissors to make small incisions along the mat. Very difficult-to-comb mats may require a visit to a groomer who can shave that portion of the coat.
  • After brushing and combing the entire coat, use the slicker brush to smooth and give the fur a shiny appearance.
  • Finish by rewarding your Dachshund with treats or cuddles to reward them for their calm behavior during the grooming process.

Grooming Short-haired Dachshunds

Short-haired Dachshunds have short, smooth, and close-lying fur without an undercoat. The best brush for grooming them is a bristle brush with firm bristles or a rubber brush with soft, flexible tips.

Brush the coat in the direction of hair growth, after spraying it with a special conditioner containing oils that help strengthen and add shine to the fur.

Grooming Wirehaired Dachshunds

Wirehaired Dachshunds have short, hard fur that lies close to the body and is covered with a wiry undercoat. Longer hairs are present on the head, forming the characteristic bushy eyebrows and beard.

These Dachshunds hardly shed, so regular brushing is important to remove dead hair and undercoat. For this type of grooming, a bristle brush, a dense comb, and a special undercoat rake will be useful.

  • Stripping: Wire-haired dachshunds need to have their coats stripped regularly to remove dead hair and promote new hair growth. This is typically done with a special comb that removes dead hair from the root, which can be a bit uncomfortable for the dog (Note: this does not apply to pin-wire dachshunds who don’t need stripping). 
  • Trimming: they may require trimming around the face, ears, paws, and tail to keep the coat looking neat and tidy. This requires more skill than grooming other coat types of dachshunds, as wire-haired coats are more prone to matting and tangling.
  • Maintenance: Wire-haired dachshunds require more frequent grooming than other coat types, as their wiry hair can easily become tangled and matted. Regular grooming sessions are essential to keep their coat healthy and looking their best.
  • It’s important not to use clippers on wire-haired Dachshunds! This will not remove dead hair but only shorten the coat, which can lead to skin problems. It can also weaken the fur and disrupt its natural structure.
Brushing dachshund with a slicker brush

Do I Need Special Tools to Groom My Dachshund at Home?

You should equip yourself with a few essential grooming tools if you want your dachshund to look gorgeous:

  1. Slicker brush: A slicker brush is a type of dog brush with fine, short wires that are close together. It’s ideal for removing loose hair, tangles, and mats from your dachshund’s coat.
  2. Comb: A sturdy metal comb with both wide and narrow teeth is useful for detangling your dachshund’s hair and removing any debris.
  3. Nail clippers: You’ll need a good pair of nail clippers to keep your dachshund’s nails trimmed and healthy.
  4. Ear cleaner: A gentle ear cleaner made specifically for dogs can help remove any dirt or debris from your dachshund’s ears and prevent infections.
  5. Toothbrush and toothpaste: Regular brushing is important for your dachshund’s dental health, so be sure to have a toothbrush and toothpaste made specifically for dogs.
  6. Clippers or scissors: If you plan to trim your dachshund’s hair, you’ll need either clippers or scissors designed for dog grooming.
  7. Shampoo and Conditioner for Dogs: The pH of a dog’s skin is different from that of humans, so products intended for human care are not suitable for dogs and can lead to dryness and skin issues for your furry friend. Get a shampoo specifically designed for dogs, tailored to their coat type, and opt for conditioners that contain nourishing oils for different types of fur.
  8. Towels: Have a few towels on hand for drying your dachshund after a bath or grooming session.

When selecting your dog grooming tools always remember to look for: 

  • tools specifically designed for Dachshunds: Different breeds have different grooming needs, so it’s essential to choose tools that are specifically designed for your pup’s coat type and size.
  • high-quality materials that are durable and long-lasting, such as stainless steel or sturdy plastic. Avoid tools that are made with cheap, flimsy materials that may break or damage your Dachshund’s coat.
  • comfortable handle that won’t slip out of your hand. Some handles are ergonomically designed to reduce strain on your wrist and hand during grooming.

With these tools in hand, you’ll be well-equipped to give your Dachshund a great at-home grooming experience. And who knows, you might even discover a hidden talent for doggy hair styling!

Bathing my dachshund

How Often Should Dachshunds Be Bathed?

So your beloved dachshund is starting to smell a bit funky – time for a bath! But how often should you bathe them? Well, unless they’ve been rolling around in something particularly smelly, a bath every three months should do the trick.

Remember, over-bathing can lead to dry skin and irritation, so don’t overdo it! When it’s time for the bath, make sure to use a gentle, dog-friendly shampoo that won’t leave your pup scratching like a maniac. Rinse them off thoroughly and give them a good rub down with a fluffy towel to keep them cozy and warm. It’ll keep them smelling sweet and fresh between baths.

How to Cut Dachshund’s Nails?

If your adorable dachshund is running around the house, and you’re starting to hear the click click click of their nails on the floor it’s time for a nail trim! But how often should you actually trim their nails?

Generally, dachshunds need their nails trimmed about once a month, but it can vary depending on their activity level and how quickly their nails grow. When it’s time for the trim, make sure to use a sharp, dog-specific nail clipper, and only cut off the very tips of the nails to avoid hitting the quick (ouch!).

If your dachshund has dark nails and you can’t see the quick, it’s best to take them to a professional groomer or vet.

dachshund nails clipping

How to Clean Your Dachshund’s Ears?

Cleaning your dachshund’s ears is an important part of their grooming routine to keep them healthy and happy. It’s recommended to clean their ears about once a month or as needed if they have a buildup of wax or debris.

To clean their ears, first, examine them for any signs of redness, swelling, or odour, which can indicate an infection. Then, use a dog-specific ear-cleaning solution and a cotton ball or pad to gently wipe the inside of their ear, being careful not to insert anything into the ear canal.

Avoid using Q-tips or anything sharp that could damage their delicate ear tissue. If you’re unsure about how to clean their ears, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian or professional groomer for guidance. Regular ear cleaning can help prevent ear infections and ensure your dachshund’s ears are healthy and happy!

How to Take Care of Dachshund’s Teeth?

Taking care of your dachshund’s dental care is important for their overall health and well-being. Here are some tips for caring for your dachshund’s teeth:

  • Brush their teeth: Brush your dachshund’s teeth regularly with a toothbrush and toothpaste made specifically for dogs. Aim to brush their teeth at least two to three times per week, or more often if possible.
  • Provide dental chews: Provide your dachshund with dental chews or toys that help clean their teeth and massage their gums. These can be found in most pet stores and are a great way to supplement regular brushing.
  • Choose dental-friendly food: Choose high-quality dog food that is specifically formulated to support dental health. Some dog foods have special kibble shapes and textures that can help clean your dog’s teeth as they eat.
  • Schedule regular dental check-ups: Regular visits to the veterinarian for dental check-ups and cleanings can help catch any dental issues early on and prevent more serious problems from developing.
  • Watch for signs of dental problems: Keep an eye out for signs of dental problems, such as bad breath, swollen or bleeding gums, loose teeth, or difficulty chewing. If you notice any of these signs, make an appointment with your veterinarian right away.

By following these tips, you can help keep your dachshund’s teeth healthy and strong, and prevent dental problems from developing.

How to clean dachshund teeth

Dachshund Grooming Guide Summary

Alright, fellow dog lovers, now that you’ve learned how to groom your dachshund at home, let’s go over some final tips and considerations.

First and foremost, don’t forget the treats! Positive reinforcement is key to keeping your dachshund calm and happy during grooming sessions.

Also, if your dachshund is feeling a bit apprehensive offer a comforting snuggle to ease their nerves.

And finally, remember to have fun with it! Grooming your dachshund can be a bonding experience, so embrace the silly moments and enjoy spending some quality time with your furry friend. Plus, with all the money you’ll save on professional grooming, you can splurge on some extra special treats for your little wiener dog.

When to Seek a Professional Grooming?

Of course, there may come a time when you need to seek the help of a professional groomer. If your dachshund’s coat is particularly matted or tangled, it may be best to leave it to the pros. Also, if you notice any unusual lumps or bumps on your dachshund’s skin, it’s important to have them examined by a veterinarian before attempting any grooming.

And finally, if you’re not confident in your ability to trim your dachshund’s nails, a professional groomer can help ensure that they’re cut safely and correctly. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it, and always prioritize your dachshund’s safety and well-being.

Happy grooming!


Q: Can you shave your dachshund?

A: It’s generally not recommended. Dachshunds have a double coat that helps regulate their body temperature, keeping them warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Shaving their coat can actually interfere with this natural process and leave them more susceptible to temperature-related health issues. 

Q: How often should a dachshund be bathed?

The golden rule says you should bathe your dachshund every 3 months for all variations of the dachshund breed.

Q: How to groom a long haired dachshund?

Grooming a long haired dachshund can be a time-consuming task, but it’s important to maintain their coat to keep them healthy and looking their best. Here are some tips:

  1. Brush your dachshund’s coat regularly with a slicker brush to remove any tangles or mats. Pay special attention to the areas around the ears, legs, and tail.
  2. Use a metal comb to smooth out the coat and remove any remaining tangles.
  3. Bathe your dachshund once a month or as needed. Use a gentle dog shampoo and conditioner to keep their coat clean and healthy.
  4. Trim your dachshund’s nails regularly to prevent them from getting too long and causing discomfort.
  5. Clean your dachshund’s ears with a cotton ball and ear cleaner to prevent infections.
  6. Consider taking your dachshund to a professional groomer for a trim every few months to keep their coat looking neat and tidy.

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